
How to Build a Supportive Network for Entrepreneur

How to Build a Supportive Network During Your Entrepreneurship Journey

One thing to note about entrepreneurship is that at the top, it's on the fringe of loneliness. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are countless dreamers, inventors, and innovators like you, and networking can help you connect and form meaningful relationships with them. These are the best ways to build a supportive network that guarantees the success of your entrepreneurship journey.

5 Actionable Strategies to Build a Supportive Network

1. Attend networking conferences

The journey towards building a successful network starts with attending networking events. In these gatherings, like-minded, ranked, and high-achieving business professionals meet. Depending on the type of event, you can bring up discussions about topics related to your brand and products/services and generate customer interest. Most importantly, you should use these events to build trust and lay a strong foundation for your company's future.

2. Join entrepreneurship groups

Local entrepreneurship organizations can help you connect with people that matter. You can also join associations or participate in expos and community events. Despite their smaller scale, local networks are crucial in increasing visibility and establishing your expertise among peers.

Members share insights, personal experiences, and expertise in the best local groups, allowing you to learn and level up your game. You may also find funding opportunities or access to resources such as business venues and co-working spaces within these groups.

3. Nurture your existing network

Continue to nurture your existing network if you are a beginner. Chances are you have already encountered professionals in your field from college, work, or social engagements. This familiar network is an asset you can leverage to get a leg up in your industry.

Stay connected by sending emails or holiday cards or inviting classmates and colleagues to conferences and lunch dates. Regardless of your approach, always prioritize cultivating relationships within your network.

4. Be active on social platforms

The biggest advantage of social media is that you can build or join hundreds of networks. LinkedIn, for instance, connects you with your alums or even professionals within your niche. You can gain massive popularity by starting and moderating groups that may attract like-minded people in your field.

Join as many conversations as possible. Your online interactions may lead to in-person networking opportunities. That is, if you connect with people in your local area or attend events where you can meet those you've been engaging with online.

5. Volunteer to be a mentor

Volunteering as a mentor is another way to get people on your side and create long-lasting connections. There is no way to figure out how those you help could repay you in the future, but mentorship never disappoints. Start mentorship programs specifically tailored to beginners. Alternatively, there are platforms such as SCORE, which may allow you to volunteer as a mentor to thousands of starters, whether through conferences, phone calls, or in person.


One thing about networking is that connections are sometimes not guaranteed. It's about adapting to failure and success. Also, keep in mind that relationships may not instantly translate into partnerships. You must learn to deal with rejections. Everyone starts somewhere, even the most decorated entrepreneurs. So, never put anyone on a pedestal; learn from their experience and try to build connections hinged on respect.

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//new code function timePast(curr, prev) { // Define the milliseconds in every time unit var msMin = 60 * 1000; var msHr = msMin * 60; var msDay = msHr * 24; var msMonth = msDay * 30; var msYr = msDay * 365; // Get elapsed time in milliseconds var elapsed = curr - prev; console.log("Elapsed time in ms:", elapsed); if (elapsed < 0) { console.error("Negative elapsed time. Check date parsing."); return "Invalid time"; } if (elapsed < msMin) { return Math.round(elapsed / 1000) + ' seconds ago'; } else if (elapsed < msHr) { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msMin); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' minute ago' : elapsed + ' minutes ago'; } else if (elapsed < msDay) { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msHr); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' hour ago' : elapsed + ' hours ago'; } else if (elapsed < msMonth) { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msDay); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' day ago' : elapsed + ' days ago'; } else if (elapsed < msYr) { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msMonth); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' month ago' : elapsed + ' months ago'; } else { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msYr); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' year ago' : elapsed + ' years ago'; } } $(document).ready(function() { $('.date.color').each(function() { var now = new Date(); var parsedTime = Date.parse($(this).text()); console.log("Parsed time:", parsedTime); if (isNaN(parsedTime)) { console.error("Invalid date format:", $(this).text()); $(this).text("Invalid date"); } else { $(this).text(timePast(now, new Date(parsedTime))); } }); });