
The Technology Paradox In Business: How To Balance AI And Personal Touch

The Technology Paradox In Business: How To Balance AI And Personal Touch

With the speed of technology that nearly swallows our minds today, the values that make us human have almost vanished. Consequently, many companies find it hard to create a stable coexistence where AI and personal touch could combine fruitfully to use their benefits and push for achievements. Most often, these kinds of businesses excessively depend on the automation of major workloads.

Well, the thing is that AI increases the efficiency of customer service. Yet, humans cannot be replaced as machines cannot create unique emotional connections with people. In a new Salesforce CRM study, 80 percent of customers express that company customer experience is as important as its service or product. Now, how can enterprises achieve personalization in automation? Let’s find out.

How To Achieve Personalization In The AI vs Humans Business Environment

Commit to continuous learning

AI’s effectiveness greatly depends on the users' ability to master it and their willingness to draw and learn from the insights provided by this technology. Employee training can therefore empower your employees with the skills to collaborate efficiently and use AI to enhance their capabilities rather than suppressing their empathy and human intellect.

Technical skills aren't the only piece of the puzzle. AI’s role in replacing people's routine tasks will increase as it progresses. As a result, the demand for human soft skills such as empathy, communication, and teamwork will become urgent. Brian Kalma from Zappos points out that “the company takes empathy and connection so innately that all staff members are required to undergo training on soft skills before jumping into the technical aspects of their jobs.

Define roles clearly

The latest World Economic Forum report indicates AI will create around 97 million jobs by 2025. Likewise, the division of labor between humans and machines will replace approximately 85 million jobs within the same period. This presents an excellent opportunity for businesses to define clear roles for workforce and automation.

Assigning tasks that align with AI strengths, such as routine inquiries and data analysis, leaves humans to focus on more value-added, nuanced, or complex issues that require empathy. This idea far surpasses the clichéd narrative of humans vs. AI at work. instead, it paints a picture where AI and humans are more allies than adversaries and solves the technology paradox.

Integrating technology with empathy

If you have been stuck in an endless loop dialing 0 to 9 to speak to a customer care agent, you understand why 49% of customers dislike chatbots. While AI has increased efficiency, there is a growing feeling that the lack of a personal touch is making many people feel disconnected in this AI vs human CS environment.

To resolve this challenge, tech teams must engrain empathy in AI models. However, how do we design AI algorithms that are sensitive enough to meet the needs of all people—people of different cultures, ages, socioeconomic backgrounds, or languages? In addition, the development team must reflect such a broad spectrum of users.


Here’s the thing: While AI can enhance customer service, streamline operations, provide detailed analytics, and much more, it’s not a magic bullet or one-size-fits-all solution. Neither should it replace the human touch that’s so integral for many industries today. The key lies in treading the fine rope between using AI’s immense capabilities for operational efficiency while maintaining a high premium on personal touch in customer interactions.

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