
Tips For Buildings And Retaining Strong Hybrid Teams

Tips For Buildings And Retaining Strong Hybrid Teams

The hybrid model is here to stay.

Robert Half’s 2023 salary guide shows hybrid roles are more popular than fully remote job positions.

Another 2022 Gallup report reveals that 59% of people in the US prefer working in a hybrid environment.

However, implementing a hybrid model customized to employee needs poses unique challenges. Here are a few helpful tips to help you navigate this complex undertaking. 

How To Perfect The Hybrid Model In Your Organization

1. Communication is key

The Covid pandemic changed the nature of communication between employers and employees. You will be surprised to discover that most productivity issues in hybrid arrangements today result from ineffective communication, hindering project success and task completion.

The lack of organic, face-to-face communication has decreased creativity and clarity in messaging. Therefore, managers should take the time to learn which communication tools are ideal for the task they intend to accomplish. For instance:

  • Emails are great for conveying in-depth information
  • In-person communication is best for sensitive topics
  • Team meetings via (Zoom, Skype, etc.) are best for brainstorming and rapport-building.

2. Drive focus and accountability

According to a Microsoft study, 85% of business leaders think that migrating to hybrid work has made it difficult for them to trust their workers to deliver their best.

Citrix’s survey seems to support this data. In its study of 900 corporate leaders and 1800 employees (who work remotely), Citrix found that 50% of the leaders think that when their teams operate “out of sight,” they are not very productive.  49% of the leaders said they’d installed monitoring software on their employees' computers to check their performance.

The data above proves accountability and productivity have become a great concern for many businesses operating the hybrid work model. To mitigate the focus problem, leaders must be clear about their priorities, set SMART goals, and focus on achieving them.

To cultivate accountability, pay close attention to each team member and give them the necessary coaching and support while recognizing them for their efforts. Leaders must do all this without micromanaging and suffocating creative freedoms. 

3. Inclusive decision-making

Remote employees may feel that they have limited access to their bosses and leaders under hybrid work. To address this perception, leaders must involve every team member in key meetings and decisions to enhance their sense of belonging.

Research indicates that there is no substitute for face-to-face meetings. Look for opportunities to bring all your team members together for occasional in-office sessions. Physically meeting in the same room creates a sense of connection, empathy, and intimacy, which are difficult to replicate via video calls.

4. Introduce breakout rooms in hybrid meetings

Breaking out into smaller teams deepens relationships in hybrid meetings by increasing engagement and allowing everyone to share their input and hear each other’s views. 

You can use breakout rooms within larger meetings to organize entertaining activities and games. A fun idea is to divide your team into smaller groups to compete against each other in virtual chess or card tournaments.


As we head into the new year, a major challenge for businesses will be attracting and retaining top talent. The solution is this: offer a hybrid working model within your organization that provides the flexibility, trust, and freedom that young workers seek. Implementing the above tips can improve your chances of success. 

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