
Top 5 Professional Networking Solutions And Tools

Top 5 Professional Networking Solutions And Tools

Eighty-five percent of the jobs are filled through networking. This underscores the importance of forging professional connections.

The best five professional networking solutions in this guide include user-friendly platforms as well as tools with advanced features that can actually take your game to the next level.

If you are an expert or a newcomer to the industry seeking contacts, these solutions can help you succeed in networking.

The Best Networking Tools For Experts Of All Industries

1. LinkedIn

Microsoft bought the platform in 2016, and now it stands at 930 million users across 200 countries worldwide, which makes it the most popular networking platform for connecting recruiters, B2B professionals, and job seekers.

What makes LinkedIn shine is that it allows users to create profiles to showcase their skills to a global audience. LinkedIn also has built-in protection against unneeded invites. 

LinkedIn offers other capabilities besides job search and networking. It has a wealth of resources for personal development. Users can access videos, articles, and courses on industry trends, career growth strategies, and leadership skills.

2. Meetup

While LinkedIn and the majority of other social networking sites concentrate on virtual relationship building, Meetup is a platform that attempts to blend online sessions with offline meetings. Upon signing up, specify your interests, and you will receive immediate notifications when there is a local meetup.

You can also create an event, and Meetup will then notify the people who would like to learn about your chosen topic. The current number of members in Meetup is over 60 million, and more than 330,12 groups for the interest networks.

3. Facebook

The giant social media platform, now dubbed Meta, has 2.41 billion monthly active users. You can leverage many functional buttons on Facebook to market your upcoming workshops, events, trade shows, and other updates. 

The platform offers many ingenious ways to maximize your online reputation. The only limitation is that Facebook is less professionally driven than LinkedIn. 

4. B2match

This event management platform focuses on delivering seamless, goal-oriented matchmaking. The platform supports you throughout event preparation, D-day, and beyond. You will have access to tools and people for setting up agendas, configuring registrations, creating your event website, and processing payments.

The platform also has a mobile event networking app, enabling you to access all relevant information at the click of a button. With the latest iteration of the B2match mobile event app, all that your participants need for an incredible experience is within their reach.

5. Twitter Communities

You might be surprised to learn that some of the best networking opportunities come from Twitter communities! By joining the Twitter threads, following industry influencers, and using trending hashtags, you will unlock a vibrant network area with meaningful connections and opportunities.

Over 100 million users - professionals and businesses alike - use Twitter communities. Twitter is available on Android and Apple's iOS in over 30 languages and 100 countries. 


Before choosing a professional networking solution to download and use, ask yourself what you need first. For instance, do you want to network in a particular niche/area, or are you looking to connect with other businesses and professionals directly?

Ensure you have a good idea of all the features you need from your business networking app before you sign up.

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//new code function timePast(curr, prev) { // Define the milliseconds in every time unit var msMin = 60 * 1000; var msHr = msMin * 60; var msDay = msHr * 24; var msMonth = msDay * 30; var msYr = msDay * 365; // Get elapsed time in milliseconds var elapsed = curr - prev; console.log("Elapsed time in ms:", elapsed); if (elapsed < 0) { console.error("Negative elapsed time. Check date parsing."); return "Invalid time"; } if (elapsed < msMin) { return Math.round(elapsed / 1000) + ' seconds ago'; } else if (elapsed < msHr) { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msMin); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' minute ago' : elapsed + ' minutes ago'; } else if (elapsed < msDay) { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msHr); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' hour ago' : elapsed + ' hours ago'; } else if (elapsed < msMonth) { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msDay); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' day ago' : elapsed + ' days ago'; } else if (elapsed < msYr) { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msMonth); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' month ago' : elapsed + ' months ago'; } else { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msYr); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' year ago' : elapsed + ' years ago'; } } $(document).ready(function() { $('.date.color').each(function() { var now = new Date(); var parsedTime = Date.parse($(this).text()); console.log("Parsed time:", parsedTime); if (isNaN(parsedTime)) { console.error("Invalid date format:", $(this).text()); $(this).text("Invalid date"); } else { $(this).text(timePast(now, new Date(parsedTime))); } }); });