Product Reviews

Travel Apps And Devices You Need On Your Transatlantic Flight

Travel Apps And Devices You Need On Your Transatlantic Flight

Whether you're flying from New York to explore the city of love or traveling from Europe to engage in medical tourism in Costa Rica flying across the Atlantic for eight hours or more can be both exciting and exhausting.

If you are unprepared for long-distance flying, sitting for prolonged hours can feel like an extreme sport. Fortunately, specific apps and devices can help to relieve stress and kill time on your first commercial transatlantic flight. Here are our top five apps and devices to help you pass the time during a long-haul flight.

5 Must-Have Transatlantic Flight Apps And Devices

1. Netflix

The wonderful thing about the Netflix app is that you can watch your favorite without the internet during your long-haul flight. Netflix gives you the option of downloading higher-quality videos for a top-notch viewing experience.

Simply download TV shows and movies beforehand. Netflix then stores these shows in your device’s memory.

Streaming Netflix during your trans-Atlantic flight can make time go faster. And if you want to sleep, you might not need a pill. These unique Netflix titles compiled by Mashable can reportedly make you doze off instantly.

2. Noise-cancelling headphones

Dr. Sapna Sriram, an injury expert and chiropractor at Integra Health, says that prolonged exposure to distracting or loud noises leads to fatigue and stress.

Picture enduring ten non-stop hours of engine roar, rattling drink trolleys, chatty neighbors, and various cabin dings. The era before noise-cancellation headphones must have been unbearable.

While most airlines offer passengers earphones and earplugs, the only sure path to a peaceful flight is packing the noise-canceling headphones you can trust.

High-quality noise-cancellation earphones create a barrier between the surrounding environments and your ears, shielding you from ambient noise during a transatlantic flight.

3. Tripadvisor

If you have already boarded your trans-Atlantic flight, chances are you have already made arrangements for your hotel. But if you haven’t, researching dining options and local attractions while onboard is always a good idea.

Tripadvisor is one of the most extensive online resources for flyers seeking information about various regions or cities, plus highlights of hidden gems.

Apart from researching and booking restaurants, hotels, and local activities, you can view uploaded photos to know what to expect once you arrive.

4. VPN

A Forbes Advisor survey found that an overwhelming majority of flyers (67%) have had their data compromised while flying. Hotel guests come in second, with 56% of respondents reporting data breaches during their stay.

A VPN is a terrific way to watch Netflix on a trans-Atlantic flight that offers in-flight WiFi. Apart from accessing geo-restricted content, a VPN encrypts your data, ensuring your online activities remain private and safe.

 However, please note that when using a VPN inside a plane, the quality of the in-flight Wi-Fi may vary depending on the carrier or the route. 

5. E-Reader 

Nowadays, it looks like books, at least the printed "dead tree" versions, are being phased off inflight reading lists. Traditional books can be overwhelming on a flight.

But if you are a voracious reader and want to go on a digital detox during a long flight, don’t forget to pack a Kindle or tablet. Download all your favorite books before boarding, and leverage those eight or so for intellectual stimulation.

Research says that long-distance travel makes you smarter. If that’s the case, then reading on a transatlantic trip could make you a bunch of times smarter.


How you prepare for your transatlantic flight can make all the difference between comfort and misery. Pack these five apps and devices before spending long hours in a stuffy cabinet. You’ll land relaxed, refreshed, and ready to kick off your holiday or business meeting.

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