
5 Trends And Tips To Enhance Your Seasonal Campaign

5 Trends And Tips To Enhance Your Seasonal Campaign

Marketers often launch campaigns every high season to increase brand awareness, generate leads, and drive revenue. However, as consumers become more cost-conscious, your seasonal campaign strategies must adapt to meet changing demands. Today, 90% of US consumers look for deals online when shopping, according to The Future of Retail report.

Here are five trends and tips to enhance your seasonal campaign.

How to Drive More Conversions With Seasonal Campaigns

1. Streamline the customer journey

Marketers must give their customers a positive shopping experience during the holiday season. They must also address data protection and privacy to create trust. A Wall Street Journal report shows that 41% of people are worried their organizations are using their devices to spy on them.

You want to make sure that your customer feels comfortable when moving from one channel into another. For instance, if they go from social media ads to a custom landing page does the branding carry over? Does it meet what they found after the first click? Is there a delay in changing from one channel to another?

2. Personalize

We live in a world where consumers want customized experiences. You can create a better journey for customers by leveraging their data. As a result, your organization might experience higher engagement and conversion rates.

Customizing your content and introducing personalized gift items to suit consumer preferences is important. Use data analytics to learn about customers' behaviors and preferences, which will help you craft personalized messages that can cut through the clutter.


  • Segment your audience to create highly targeted campaigns

3. Create a dream cart

According to Worldwide Retail Research, 40% of shoppers wished retailers provided a wish list on their platforms. Businesses that offer wish lists or ‘favorites’ cater to this need and promote signups, allowing them to do targeted email marketing. IKEA provides a ‘Favorites’ feature, allowing customers to create their lists once logged in.

Since wish lists are aimed at users who have already shown interest by creating a list of products they want to buy, it increases the conversion rates. They improve user experience, reduce cart abandonment rate, and help to create a personalized engagement with customers which leads to retention of the consumers thus increasing revenue.


  • Allow shoppers to share their wish lists with family and friends

4. Plan ahead

Nowadays, online shopping is more customized and value-based, which brings plenty of opportunities to expand your seasonal campaign beyond the usual Black Friday and post-Christmas sales. Remember to include other cultural festivals like Diwali (celebrated by over a billion people), Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Valentine's Day and others.


  •  Mark out the critical annual event dates happening in your target locations

5. Offer giveaways

A Deloitte’s holiday survey shows that customers spent an average of $1,652 in 2023. However, despite a noticeable increase in spending since 2020, retailers are grappling with frugal consumers who are always searching for the most significant discounts each holiday.

 Deals and giveaways during this Valentine’s and Easter offer an exciting opportunity to bring happiness in other people. Make your audience feel appreciated by using themed gifts for a fun connection. Gifts create a positive association as they increase the brand’s awareness while celebrating love and renewal.


As the year progresses, competition will undoubtedly heat up. But, if you understand your audience and strategically integrate these five trends and tips into your seasonal campaign, you will generate fresh leads and boost revenue for your business.

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//new code function timePast(curr, prev) { // Define the milliseconds in every time unit var msMin = 60 * 1000; var msHr = msMin * 60; var msDay = msHr * 24; var msMonth = msDay * 30; var msYr = msDay * 365; // Get elapsed time in milliseconds var elapsed = curr - prev; console.log("Elapsed time in ms:", elapsed); if (elapsed < 0) { console.error("Negative elapsed time. Check date parsing."); return "Invalid time"; } if (elapsed < msMin) { return Math.round(elapsed / 1000) + ' seconds ago'; } else if (elapsed < msHr) { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msMin); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' minute ago' : elapsed + ' minutes ago'; } else if (elapsed < msDay) { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msHr); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' hour ago' : elapsed + ' hours ago'; } else if (elapsed < msMonth) { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msDay); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' day ago' : elapsed + ' days ago'; } else if (elapsed < msYr) { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msMonth); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' month ago' : elapsed + ' months ago'; } else { elapsed = Math.round(elapsed / msYr); return elapsed === 1 ? elapsed + ' year ago' : elapsed + ' years ago'; } } $(document).ready(function() { $('.date.color').each(function() { var now = new Date(); var parsedTime = Date.parse($(this).text()); console.log("Parsed time:", parsedTime); if (isNaN(parsedTime)) { console.error("Invalid date format:", $(this).text()); $(this).text("Invalid date"); } else { $(this).text(timePast(now, new Date(parsedTime))); } }); });