
Emerging Channels For Marketing Visibility Beyond Social Media

Emerging Channels For Marketing Visibility Beyond Social Media

Social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok lead the pack in spurring purchases among 60% of Gen Zers. But what if you hit a snag with these fast-paced, newsfeed-centered marketing techniques?

Many CEOs especially reach a point of inflection where they outgrow their networks or are simply weary from the never-ending demands of social media marketing. If that’s the case, here are a few ideas on how to promote your business without social media.

Strategies To Promote Your Business Without Social Media

SEO plus PPC marketing funnels

93% of online user experiences begin in the search engine. The finding means you’ll limit your reach if you ignore search results. But wait a minute! How does a mere mortal even begin channeling traffic to their content? 

The first thing that comes to mind when deciding how to promote your business without a social media marketing agency is building credibility. You’d be tempted to think that brands should focus more on SEO versus paid search because it's free, right?

Margo Kahnrose, CMO of Skai, advises against this approach, insisting that owning the search engine results page today demands paying attention to both. 

Growth forecasts from Magna and GroupM back this claim by stating that ad spending will accelerate in 2024 at around 5.7%, compared to 4.7% in 2023.

Pitch podcasts

Have you noticed how podcast usage for marketing is growing like crazy? In 2023, there were around 464.7 million new podcast listeners worldwide! In 2024, this number is set to grow to 504.9 million. Of the 400-plus million users, 60% report searching for a product after they heard it mentioned on a podcast.  

But before you jump into podcasts, you must research and plan carefully. You can start your own podcasts, be a guest on other people’s podcasts, or advertise on high-viewership shows in your specialty. 

Using the example of Nerdwallet, Sean Pyles hosts the Smart Money Podcast for people who want to learn to be debt-free, save, and invest. It made sense for them to start a podcast since they already owned an app that helps their users make savvy investment decisions.

Email lists

Email marketing can be a great addition to your social media marketing strategies. In a recent article published in The Atlantic, Dave Pell called the email “the unkillable app.” He adds that Mailchimp campaigns brought over $64 billion in revenues in 2020. 

Carey Coleman, founder of Style House Cosmetics, says that emails are more reliable because “the popularity of social media platforms is always a rollercoaster ride.” In addition, 59% of B2B marketers consider email marketing twice as effective in generating customer leads as social media and pay-per-click marketing. 

 To win with email marketing, the best approach is to offer incentives in the form of discounts, eBooks, guides, or anything of value. Once someone hops onto your email list, you can lead them to an offer by sending them helpful emails instead of regaling them with your news.

Employee ambassador programs

By now, the best platforms to promote your business are probably saturated.  No matter your niche, your target audience has a million other entities vying for their attention. That’s why you need to capitalize on every opportunity that will give you a competitive edge, including your employees - your very own marketing team in your roaster.

Your employees, who are the face of your company, can play a critical role in spreading positive word-of-mouth about the business. They can help you promote your brand both online and offline for free. Egle Pavyde of hVIVO PLC says that a story coming from a real person tends to be very appealing and acceptable.


Looking for ways to promote your business without social media? You can try the methods listed above before humiliating your brand on TikTok or falling victim to an Instagram account hack. However, whatever strategy you choose, you need to be smart and tailor it to your brand.

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